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Air purifying plants: 14 of the best for your home

As air pollution has become a major issue, it is important to have plants at home. Here’s some Indoor Plants Recommended By NASA that you should grow!

Our home is our space of comfort. In the current situation, most of us have been confined within the four walls of our houses for most of the day. Hence, having healthy and regulated air quality within our homes is important. Air purifying indoor plants can greatly help in cleaning the air around us. They are a convenient and cost-effective solution to all our air-purifying issues. So, let us look at the best 14 plants to help maintain clean air in your home.

1. Aloe Vera: Toxic if Eaten 

Aloe Vera has earned a reputation for being one of the top air purifying indoor plants. It mainly counters high levels of formaldehyde and benzene in indoor air. Usually, Aloe Vera is a hassle-free plant and should be grown in a pot in bright sunlight. Further, Aloe Vera gel is an effective skincare product.


2. Areca palm: non-Toxic if eaten

The Areca palm is native to Madagascar and brings tropical vibes to any space. Not only does it clean the air, it also releases moisture and acts as a natural humidifier. 

 3. Golden Pothos: non-Toxic if eaten

This leafy vine can be hung in midair or set on a shelf to climb all the way across it. Also known as the Devil’s Ivy, it grows steadily in low light or fluorescent light. It’s one of the easiest plants out there to keep alive.

4.Peace Lily: Non-Toxic If Eaten 

Also known as a spathiphyllum, peace lilies are an easy and undemanding plant to look after. Their glossy green leaves make the perfect addition to any room especially those spots with low light. Keep them happy with a weekly water and fertilise with a slow-release fertiliser in spring to promote growth and those glorious white flowers.


5. Bamboo palm: Non-toxic if eaten

One of the best air purifying indoor plants is the bamboo palm. Scientifically known as Chamaedorea seifrizii, this sturdy plant is often called the reed palm due to the general shape of its leaves. It aids in eliminating harmful chemicals from the air, such as formaldehyde and benzene. Further, this plant is equally suited for well-lit and dimly-lit conditions, making it a perfect house plant.


6. Boston Fern: Non-toxic if Eaten  

This easy-to-grow fern is known for its sword-shaped fronds which makes it perfect for a hanging basket or pedestal. The Boston Fern thrives in humid environments and requires consistent moisture. Keep them happy with regular misting, moist soil and position them in indirect sunlight near windows, balconies and patios. In winter cut the fronds back by around 2-inches to help regenerate and grow in the warmer months. 


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8 Dracaena “Janet Craig” 

Go big or go home! Dracaena’s can grow up to 15-foot tall, making them perfect for filling voids and big spaces. These guys love indirect sunlight but under no circumstances should be placed in direct sunlight. Water them once a week in the warmer months but be careful too much water can cause root decay.


9.English ivy

This climbing evergreen perennial can grow up to 50 feet tall. Studies have shown that in addition to removing toxins, English ivy can reduce particles of fecal matter and mold in the air.

 10. Weepink Fig ( Ficus Benjamina)

This member of the ficus family looks more like a small tree, but it’s actually a plant. The miniature variety grows up to three feet, and the standard version up to 10 feet.

11. Rubber plant: Toxic if Eaten

These burgundy evergreen trees originated from India, they’re a very hardy plant that love bright, filtered light and weekly watering in summer and fortnightly watering in winter. Rubber plants can grow in a small pot or be encouraged to grow into a large indoor tree in pots or straight in the ground.

12.Mother in law’s tongue

The mother in laws tongue (also known as snake plant) is a flowering species primarily grown for its slick sword-like long leaves. This is a slow-growing plant that anyone can grow because of its low and high sunlight tolerance and ease of watering.

13. Snake plant: mildly toxic in eaten

 Snake plants are easy to grow and happy in all kinds of lighting situations. “They’re robust and statuesque, which means they don’t take up much room in terms of width, and they’re also one of the best air-purifying plants,” says Muñoz. This air-cleaning plant is also commonly referred to as mother-in-law’s tongue, thanks to the sharpness of its upward-growing green leaves.

14. Philodendron: toxic if eaten 

A classic indoor plant is the Philodendron. The biggest advantage of this plant is its ability to fit into any home. It can be found in different sizes and shapes, making it a convenient home décor plant. Further, it can help to cleanse formaldehyde out of the surrounding air. Since formaldehyde is prevalent in cleaning products, toilet paper, and carpets, a philodendron can be placed anywhere in the house with these products to regulate air quality.

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